Best of Vincent Smarkusz Introduction Gallery
Vincent Theodore Smarkusz - 1919 to 1974
From 1939 when he was 20, until his death at age 55 in 1974, Vincent T. Smarkusz created diverse and fascinating images in several styles* and techniques - blending Social Realism and Genre painting with Expressionism, Surrealism, and illustrative Mythic-realism*.
Vincent's unique imagery evolved over 35 years:
- From a stylized mix of Social Realism and Figurative Expressionism in the 1940s
- Into the figurative abstractions of his Mythomorphic "Fusionism" images in the 1950s
- Then onto his illustrative Mythic-Realism "Eden Frolic" dreamscapes through the 1960s
- Ending with Expressionist portraits we call "Aura View" through the '60s into the 1970s
His final "protraits" are a combination of Figurative Expressionism and abstract Color field painting - portraying abstracted human figures as individuals and in pairs, engaged in sensual activities or poses, viewed through colorful auras of mystery, fantasy, and emotion.